Each project is individually priced based on materials and labor and can typically cost more than home building in the States. This is due to the higher cost of construction materials and shipping in the Bahamas.
Construction on Crooked Island requires materials to be shipped and delivered via the Mailboat that travels from Nassau. Typically, this boat arrives once a week and the cost of freight is based on weight and size of the materials. Once landed the materials are then delivered to the construction site by our team. The boat can experience delays due to inclement weather and mechanical issues, and the sailing is canceled some weeks. Occasionally materials can be lost en route and replacement or financial restitution is achieved with the help of the dock master.
Typically building materials such as rebar, concrete block, etc... are found in Nassau at a variety of building material suppliers. If the customer wants an item that is not available in the Bahamas it can be sent from the States or brought personally by the customer. We can provide specialty services. For example, we have a cabinet maker in Nassau that can supply customized cabinets upon request. See an example of these customized cabinets in the “Pink Panther” house kitchen photos. Sometimes delays can occur if there is a shortage of an item and we have connections to track down the materials promptly.
Instead of the wood-framed houses often found in the States we recommend concrete blocks. This is due to the potential of extreme weather conditions found on Crooked Island such as the heat, humidity, and occasional wind storms. Concrete is a versatile, strong, long-lasting material and long-lived examples of this type of construction can be found throughout the island. In regards to roofing metal roofing is an excellent choice but composite roofs can offer a less expensive alternative that has a satisfactory life span. Due to moisture and potential salt corrosion galvanized rebar is utilized.
Funds can be safely wired in a timely manner from American and Canadian Bans to our account in the Bahamas. We are considering adding Venmo as an option for receiving payment.
Yes, like most countries building permits are required. We are very familiar with local permitting requirements and are proficient at working with the local authorities to expedite permitting. We have an excellent Architect in Nassau who can work with you to provide the design of your choice that meets legal building requirements.
Of course. Electricity is provided by Bahamas Power and Light. Cellular service and internet access is provided locally and is of good quality. Some people opt for solar which can cost considerably more and require future replacement. The island experiences frequent power outages that typically last from minutes to a few hours.
Potable water can be provided in three ways. Collected from rainwater, which comes from the rooftop collection and is stored in large tanks. Shallow wells can be dug and the water is subsequently filtered. Lastly, but at a higher cost, desalinization of seawater is possible. Some utilize a combination of rain and well water.
Hurricanes are a major concern throughout the Bahamian islands. This is one of the risks of owning property in the Caribbean. Several things can be implemented to ensure the best outcome for your property and we can discuss in detail this with you to ensure your concerns are addressed.
Yes, but keep in mind you will be responsible for the quality of your work and how long it takes. Often homeowners have building skills and are willing to contribute to the construction to save on labor costs. For example, many homeowners like to paint their homes. New homeowners often like to add their own touches that personalize their property and this can be a fun way to contribute.
This depends individually upon the design, size, types, and availability of building materials and fixtures used. We are adept at providing a new home in a timely manner despite the many challenging issues with building on Crooked Island. Most homes, including large ones, are usually completed within one year. Moderate-sized houses of a straightforward design can often be constructed within 6 months from start to finish.
We understand building a home in a country other than your own can be intimidating, but many people from around the World have successfully built homes in the Bahamas. We encourage potential builders to visit Crooked Island and see examples of completed homes. Please list specific concerns so we can address them. And we are happy to get you in touch with our customers so they can provide details of their individual building experiences.
Our island is unique among the many islands of the Bahamas. Off the beaten track, the quiet remoteness of our island appeals to people seeking a tranquil piece of paradise. A small local society of kind loving people with a rich history makes for a unique experience. Amenities such as food and fuel are available via the mail boat and our few small boutique grocery stores without the crowds associated with super stores like those found at Nassau. And of course, you have the vast beautiful ocean and miles of empty beaches available to enjoy.
© United Eagle Construction 2024